Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Biskut Tat Nenas Gulung

Sumber : Kak Zai


1 ketul butter
3 camb susu tepung
3 camb tepung beras
3 camb tepung kastad
3 camb gula kastor
2 1/2 cawan tepung gandum

Cara-cara :

1- Pukul butter & gula.
2- Masukkan tepung susu, tepung beras, tepung kastad & tepung gandum.
3- Gaul sebati hingga menjadi doh.
4- Gunakan acuan tat gulung & letak inti nenas di dalamnya. Bakar sehingga masak.


  1. Hi Danie, I love all your biskut raya! Very pretty & delicious. Thank you very much for sharing the recipes. Hope you're having a wonderful day.
    Cheers, Kristy

  2. Hi...thank you for your comments and hope you have a wonderful day too!
